Let me remind everyone that no one else besides Howard Donahue was able to make the the 3 shots on target in the allotted time frame. Further, it wasn't the quality of the rifle Oswald used, it was the quality of the scope which was of even lower standards than the rifle, Howard Donahue was a far superior marksman than Oswald..
There's another article about an AR15 malfunction called Slam Firing, where a rifle can discharge without a finger ever bring placed on the trigger, my nephew has recounted to me how this happened to him in training on Parris Island. I still don't believe that Oswald was the lone shooter but the conspiracy was to cover up the accident, not to kill the president. The premise that the mob did it is undermined on numerous counts including Jack Ruby's coincidental appearance at the Dallas Courthouse as Oswald was coming out. Ruby's brought his favorite dog with him and it was unlikely he would have brought this dog, if he was planning to kill Oswald.
Here's the link to the slamfire malfunction of the AR15 and how it was never used by the Secret Service again after November 22, 1963.