Originally Posted by eastsideofvan
Here is a photo showing the view from the alleged snipers nest on the sixth floor of the TSBD:


With apologies, I tried to upload my own photo of this which I took in April of 2016, but this will do.

The first time I saw this, my first visit to the Sixth Floor Museum, was in February of 2011 and that was the beginning of the seeds of doubt that began to sow in my mind, shaking my very firm belief in a conspiracy. Somehow, years of film, various dramatizations and archival footage had led me to believe that this area - Dealey Plaza - would be much bigger than it really was in person. In fact, the alleged kill shot from the window travelled a distance of only 265 feet.

In this photo you can see, although you will have to look closely, a white "X" marked on the centre lane of Elm Street. It's located just to the right of the third lane marker on the left. This marks the site of the fatal headshot, the alleged third of Oswald's shots.

Having fired and owned bolt action rifles since 1994 all I can tell you is that if you say you cannot make this shot at just 81m then you just don't know how to shoot. Every day across this continent, hunters kill deer and moose at distances further than this. Keep in mind that in 1956 Oswald qualified as a sharpshooter with the USMC, successfully hitting his target 48/50 and 49/50 times respectively, at a distance of 200 yards or 183 metres.

The shot from the TSBD is only 81 metres.

I wanted to add that this a must-see in Dallas. And the way they present the exhibit is without any bias as to whether it is a conspiracy or not a conspiracy; they present the facts and let you make up your own mind. I highly recommend it, it's a very impressive exhibit.

Something else to consider is that the Limo was moving at a slow speed in a direct line away from the snipers nest. In essence,this had the same effect as shooting at a stationary target.
For a man with Oswald's experience shooting rifles,the killing was a no-brainer for him.