Originally Posted by BensonHURST
Anything is possible but def no where near what it once was.

I am seeing a few guys I grew up that are the sons/nephews of made guys and/or above
“Still involved” however, it’s a little different when it is family and the family are taking over existing profitable rackets.

Other guys my age that were associates are slowly getting made one by one.

Really underground these days.

If you didn’t know where to look you wouldn’t see them and could very easily think they didn’t exist.

BensonHurst, just finished Borello book and that's set only 10 years back. Made it seem like plenty still want to be involved with lcn. Is there a lot of thug types in places like Howard's and bhurst? Book made out like loads of fights, tough guys etc around.
Surely the property values must be solid middle class territory?