Originally Posted by eastsideofvan

I appreciate you posting this and I will watch it, although I probably won't have time for it until later in the week or the weekend, so I'll have to get back to you on it, although I'll certainly watch this with interest. I admittedly have spent less time on this theory than the various more salacious ones that are typically offered.

Out of curiosity, are you merely playing the devil's advocate for sake of discussion, or is this theory your favourite?

No, unlike some gadflies in this forum, I prefer to engage in reasonable discussions based on facts and not opinions. Like you, I have always been intrigued by the Kennedy assassination and felt that while there was another shooter, it was not on the grassy knoll. After reading many articles and reports about the assassination, I came across Mr. Donohue and his theory, and after watching this longer documentary came to believe Mr Donohue was correct in his assessment of the ballistics and the behavior of the Secret Service to cover up what transpired that sad day in Dallas. I appreciate you taking the time to engage in this discussion with me.