Originally Posted by eastsideofvan
Speaking only for myself, I haven't laid out a case because I haven't asserted anything here. You are the one who says you have all the answers and that the rest of us are idiots.

My primary knowledge of the JFK assassination (other than the movie) comes from, on the "pro" side, the Warren Report, Vincent Bugliosi's Reclaiming History, and on the "con" side Six Seconds in Dallas by Josiah Thompson. I have also made three visits to Dealey Plaza myself, as I've had a life-long fascination with the assassination of Kennedy myself. I've likewise visited the Texas Theatre and Oswald's former home at 214 W. Neely in Oak Cliff. I walked the route he was alleged to have taken following the assassination from his rooming house at 1026 Beckley to the Texas Theatre to time it myself. As a side note, I also had dinner at Campisi's on one of those visits, Campisi of course being the Underboss of the Dallas mob at the time, and his eponymous restaurant being the site of Jack Ruby's last dinner as a free man.

Based on the facts I have examined, I believe the shooting that is alleged to have occurred there is entirely plausible.

I use the word alleged in all contexts above because none of the allegations pro or con were, of course, ever court-tested.

Alternative theories are also entirely plausible but haven't been proven, at least to me, to a level that surpasses the plausibility of the theories advanced by the Warren Commission.

If you'd like to debate various aspects of the case I'd be more than happy to do that respectfully. If instead you have reached the conclusion that I am a stupid man with whom any dialogue would be a waste of time, then we need only agree to disagree. You will certainly not find yourself insulted by me.

You sound knowledgeable and I would like to see your reaction to Howard Donahue's theory. He is the only person to duplicate 3 hits on target from the exact spot Oswald was on a moving car duplicating the presidential limo. What is your explanation for the discrepancy in the size of the entry wound which was smaller than the round fired by the Manlichter-Carcano but the same size as the .223 fired by George Dickey? Further, the round fired by Oswald was designed for penetration, while the .223 fired by an AR15 are anti personnel and made for disintegration, like the round the struck Kennedys head. Look at this video.