Originally Posted by BensonHURST
Agreed and it is possible they start out sincere and honest and when the day comes they are out of content they start to use their imagination instead of memory to tell the stories.

Every once in a while I’ll get the urge to watch something Alite, it’s the whole “TRAIN WRECK” thing where sometimes you can’t help but watch the train crash.

And it dawned on me…

To him this is just another street hustle
He has his “CUSTOMERS” he is working his “RACKET”
today it’s not drugs, it’s fake LCN stories.

So he is just playing the role they want him to play
he is giving his audience what they want.

Plain and simple.

He is not catering to guys that know the truth or that could really find out the truth.

And so is Borello and I think Mazza is doing the same thing.

I completely agree. And they pretty much all do it. For my money, Alite, Franzese, and Gravano are among the worst. Bullshitters one and all. But they know they're playing to an audience that generally has very little knowledge about their past activities, and even less knowledge about "the life" in general, so they feel safe to BS to the general public. As you say, for them its just another hustle.

Just remember one simple thing....one irrefutable fact. Each and every one of these cretins were, and are, remorseless RATS!

Once you put that into proper focus, everything else falls into place very nicely.