Originally Posted by JCrusher
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by jace
I was just on facebook looking to see if any conspiracy theories were coming up on the death of Trump's ex-wife. There they were, saying she was beaten, pushed, or it is a coverup to stop her from testifying. People are crazy and obsessed. It's sad to see.

There are so many nut jobs out there it's not even funny. Pushed? Beaten? Coverup so the kids can delay testifying? WTF is wrong with people?

. Certain people are sick. The ones that hate Trump that much also hate anyone associated with him which is Disgusting. It would be so easy to say “Hey I don’t like Trump but my prayers goes out to him and his family for their loss”. This is another reason I hate social media. It’s 95% negativity

You're 1000% correct of course. It's called decency. Regardless of which side you cast your vote for, show some brains (and some fucking class) and a bit of humility also. What does one thing have to do with another?

But many people don't have a single brain cell in their heads (and thats not an exaggeration either). Democrat. Republican. Who gives a good fuck! But show some class.