These "YOUNG TURKS" took over LCN, in P.A. that just goes to show that it is possible.

It starts with one guy that has that "WHATEVER IT IS" that inspires a loyal following and BAM, just like that you have a crew and then you have a few crews and than you have a small BORGATA.

I read somewhere that Joey might not of ever been made when he took over as boss of the family.
He ended up having Stanfa or someone "PINCH HIS FINGER" just for appearances,I think it was in jail.

So when we talk about these defunct families across the U.S. it is not totally impossible that someone with that type of "WHATEVER IT IS" inspires a resurrection on some level.

Not common, Not easy, Very Rare however, NOT impossible.

The point being YES, one of these families can be resurrected from their lowly "CRUMBS"

At this point it should be called the MERLINO FAMILY...

They did this with:

1) No Money.
2) No backing from N.Y.
3) No real Cash Cow rackets. (from what I read)
4) No HUGE shy book.
5) No HUGE sports book.
6) N.Y. was trying to KILL Merlino.
7) A terrible Civil War broke out. (Brother's Killing Brothers).
8) The Feds have MORE of a "HARD ON" for Merlino than I think any other LCN, member today.