Furio i am not a fan of just lists of names.
some posters online feel that comprising a long list of criminals names is somehow proof of something.
maybe if the poster added territories they control or rackets they opertae and maybe rank in said organization.

an example that has long frustrated me joe "kong" cullotta is a name that has shown up in lists for well over a decade.
cullotta was never a power in the outfit! he may have owned a gaming company? he may have been associated with grand avenue?
i dont think he was any of these things but his name made it on to a list and then was added to every single outfit anything forever without any proof anywhere that he was any of the things some claimed.

i get the rush to be the first to have the best chart the most accurate with the best intell i am guilty of this as much as anyone.
but the way some of these court cases grind through the system it takes years to find out for certain who was who and what was what.
maybe its best to go back a few years and take a second look at some big cases and names and finally get the proof to re make some charts for these families.

its a process i have begun myself.