Originally Posted by NYMafia
I don't know who wrote that list BigTuna but there's a lot that wrong there. Not to get into the minutiae and particulars but for instance where is Gerardo (Jerry) Catena on this list? He held one of the largest hidden interests in numerous Vegas casinos. For that matter where's Ruggiero (Richie the Boot) Boiardo. Frank Costello, Eugene Catena, Vincent (Jimmy Blue Eyes) Alo, and Angelo (The Gyp) DeCarlo? All of whom held points in various Nevada casinos. Catena had such tremendous points in various hotels that he actually gave away and sold other NY/NJ guys points just so they wouldn't get too jealous of him.

Wheres Meyer Lansky? Its a fact that many of the Jewish frontmen put in place in Vegas casinos were put there by him, so that the NY mob could control the skim? After all it was NY that put Las Vegas on the map back in the 1940s to begin with. right?

The list provided is very skewed toward Chicago (as if they alone controlled everything when in actuality nothing could be further from the truth). Because Tony Accardo was in the midwest they were entrusted as watchdogs for some of the other families but they had to report in, and state what was what so every crew could earn.

This is great discussion! I am not in *complete* disagreement with you. It is my belief that most major families across the country had a hand in establishing Vegas. It is also my belief that after Siegel was killed, the power in Vegas shifted from NY to Chicago. I agree that NY always had a presence in Vegas, specifically Jerry Catena, who with Chicago had a large interest in Bally. I just think that by the early to mid fifties, Chicago was the dominant family out there and remained as such until the skim bust. Just my opinion! Hope you had a great fourth!