Originally Posted by Zavattoni
@ Dob_Peppino;

Profaci had a tiny family compared the rest but for him to come out of nowhere and was made a equal to the other bosses on the commission makes me think (Profaci was the real deal) He knew how to make money…

He also had some stone cold killers in his family..,

Johnny Oddo; Sally Mussachio; Greg Scarpa Sr; Carmine Persico; and his brother Alphonse Persico; Sonny Franzese; Mimi Scialo; Jiggs Forlano; The Gallo brothers; Charles Panarella and Tommy Spero; All those guys were violent; heavy hitters and serious.

There’s some people that underestimate Profaci but I do agree that Bonanno was the better boss.

Profaci definitely knew how to make money. And I don't take the fact that he was at the Cleveland meeting in 1928 lightly. He was a player on the big stage and pound for Pound, his Family had as many dangerous guys as any of the Families during his time.

They both utilized their blood family. Sammy the Bull says " these guys were making their sons, nephews and they didn't even belong". I happen to disagree because before 1968, most of the Families had blood ties and since that time, LCN has suffered on a whole. Of Course, other factors precipitated this but I think the loss of blood ties is a not as appreciated as it should be.

Bonanno made some key mistakes but as far as I'm concerned (even with that being said) he was second most important and powerful boss of the original Commission. Not necessarily in 1931 but from a historical perspective. Second only to Luciano. More power within his Family than Mangano. More power across the country than Profaci. Wealthier than Gagliano. More powerful in Canada and Sicily than Magaddino. Longer reign and less publicity (even upto today) than Capone.

Gambino and the real mastermind Lucchese had to gang up on him when he was in a weak spot.

"Joe Bananas went after Carlo Gambino, the war went on for seven years..... When guys go to the mattresses, they're not out earning" -Tony Soprano