Easy for you to say -- I did 20 fuckin' years!

Originally Posted by Millspgh
Originally Posted by furio_from_naples
Originally Posted by eastsideofvan
Makes me sick! You don't ever admit the existence of this thing!

I wish I was at the courthouse so I could throw acid in his face.

To think that piece of shit was my friend once!

This was the glorious old days. Now every mobsters with a little of intelligence take a plea and does the bare minimum of years in prison.

Let’s face it, what’s the point pretending it doesn’t exist? Every adult in the country knows it exists, so why continue to play dumb? For what? To spend your next 50 years in the can?
Take the plea, get a short stint, then get back in the streets making money.
No point in pretending it doesn’t exist anymore just to wind up getting 60 year sentences, that’s exactly what the government hopes they’ll do. They’re praying these guys go to trial so they can lock them up forever.
I’m all for them taking pleas and short sentences.