Originally Posted by DetroitPartnership
While not boss officially, I believe we can say he was running the Family and killing whomever he chose and with no repercussions. I've viewed many bios of Galante but really never first-hand accounts of what he was like day-to-day. If I had to choose one LCN figure to write an open bio, it would be Galante.

Galante and Bonanno are daunting task to write about. Specifically if you're talking about "first-hand accounts" and accuracy. First, we mainly have "second-hand accounts" from guys who learned from older made guys to despise them. Particularly, guys from Brooklyn speak the lowest of them (Colombos, Gambinos, and there own Bonanno guys). It's almost as if someone put out a Commission order to not even like the guys personally lol. So there is always a bias against them but Galante was more heavy handed and he didn't quite have the level of Prestige as Bonanno. Joe gave him that "halo" (of course his own street smarts and toughness got him to that point).
Secondly, it's hard to be as accurate as possible when it comes to them, particularly when it comes to the heroin business and there exact place in that history. There is alot more than meet the eye in terms of business/murder in both of their stories.

What is public knowledge is often misunderstood, underresearched information and there is alot of information that's unavailable or lost to history. Galante was like a Vito Genovese. He had to be eliminated.

"Joe Bananas went after Carlo Gambino, the war went on for seven years..... When guys go to the mattresses, they're not out earning" -Tony Soprano