Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
WELL that simplifies things for you, huh?
RR_AGO - Yes and no. It helps to understand the husband's true motivation behind this whole thing. On the other hand, as a father it would make me furious to think that my son-in-law would rather see my daughter dead than honor his vows. I respect the husband's right to have the final say - at the marriage ceremony, the father gives away the bride. However, if we start (or continue) to kick people to the curb just because they get in the way of our marriage vows, then what do the vows mean?

So no, by using reductionism to assess this situtation, I am not suggesting that the issues are easy, but what I am suggesting is that the husband's motives are sickenly transparent. Am I the perfect husband? - nope and no husband on this earth is perfect. But to accelerate the death of legal wife for the sake of his common law wife is just a little low - even for the average guy.

But in this life, you shall reap what you sow. This guy could suffer a stroke, get hit by a car, etc. and wind up in the same situation. It would be a shame if his new wife did unto him as he he did unto others ...

"People who are not serious, should not be taken seriously"