Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
I believe that this thread was started to ask people for their personal opinion on whether Terry should have her tube reinserted or not. I don't believe it was started to begin a debate on Democrats, Republicans or the state of Nebraska.

I think we all have to remember that this is about a young woman and her imminent death. I think that we all need to remember Terry and to pray for her and her family, whatever the outcome of the case. It's simply heartbreaking for a girl so young to be in this physical state. God bless her, and all those who have cared for her.

Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
This is the part of the equation I have trouble with. A husband over parents?

If my daughter was in this predicament, I wouldn't want the person who married her to make life or death decisions for her over the people that brought her into the world and cared for her most of her life.

I'm NOT saying that the parents are right in this case. Just simply stating that the fact that he is MARRIED to her should not automatically make him right in this case.
I feel exactly the same way LDV! When you first look at it from a spouses point of veiw, it is very easy to think the way of a spouse. But then looking at my own children, as a parent, your whole way of thinking changes completely!

Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
My 2 cents:

Terri Schiavo is brain-dead. There is no hope for her. If you have to be hooked up to machines to remain alive, then you aren't meant to be alive, and that point can't be disputed. It's noble that her family is fighting so hard to keep her alive, but for what? The woman is suffering! They don't wanna let go.
You have your facts twisted a bit here! She is NOT brain dead by any means! No doctor has ever declared her brain dead! She also is not hooked up to life support machines in order to stay alive, she can breath on her own. The facts that you stated above are totally wrong and therefore do not make for a valid arguement.

This is a really tough and heartbreaking situation for ALL involved.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.