One hundred cigarettes a day, he howled and no longer washed: thus Cosimo Di Lauro died.
He raved about, refused meetings and personal hygiene, smoked up to 5 packs of cigarettes a day: the conditions of the last period of life of Cosimo Di Lauro, the boss of Secondigliano, began to leak.

The psychological and physical situation of Cosimo Di Lauro, the boss of Secondigliano, Naples, who died in prison in Milan at the age of 49 was dramatic, according to what begins to leak out of the last days of the man's life, detained under the 41bis regime since 2005 The man who died - we still don't know anything else - on the night of Monday 13 June, was light-years away from the boss in a leather jacket and long hair immortalized the night of his arrest.

Cosimo Di Lauro raved by day, howled at night, he had become a pathological cigarette smoker: up to 5 packs a day, 100 cigarettes, teeth as black as coal and refusal of personal hygiene. A devastating situation for an inmate in tough prison whose lawyers had been asking for a psychiatric report for years.

Il figlio di Paolo Di Lauro – secondo le pochissime notizie trapelate dal carcere milanese – sarebbe stato trovato esanime, supino sul letto della sua cella, dove trascorreva gran parte della giornata, senza alcun segno di violenza riconducibile al suicidio riscontrato, anche se ieri dopo la notizia della sua morte, è serpeggiata anche l'ipotesi che si fosse tolto la vita.

The lawyer Saverio Senese as early as 2008 claimed that Cosimo was unable to actively participate in the trials; the investigators were convinced that it was a simulation. The last visit of the lawyers dates back to June 2019: the lawyers went to the Opera prison to meet him after receiving a letter in which he had not written even a word. When the lawyers asked him the reason for the gesture, he replied ranting with a phrase such as: "Important meeting with entrepreneurs in the role of head of a parallel world."