In Holland on my university we had also a discussion about this. (How interesting, we are Dutch and discussing a American issue)...but there were some good things about it.

First of all my opinion. If she wants to die...let her die.

But with this a whole lot of issues show up. "She wants to die if..."....she said this, but it isn't written on paper (What I know about it ) who says she really wanted it...we can't find it out now.

Second problem: the doctors say she's brain dead...but is it? The family says that she reacts to several touches and she isn't brain dead...

Third problem: Who is the one who eventually it her husband, her family, the Congress or the's rediculous that you can't decide it on your own(but she really can't decide now, pratical seen)

Fouth problem: When this 'kill' is sustained, what will people do in the future? This one lasted for over 15 years, but in the future it will maybe decrease to 10 or even 5 or 2 years...

Fifth problem: She maybe once said that when this kind happens she wants to die...but imagine that she isn't braindead and accepts this new way of life. The new 'quality'of life is accepted in stead of the 'quality' she had before. She can't tell it ya....

Sixth problem: Everybody has the right to live...but do you automatically have the right to die when you want to? (If I'm correct suicide is illegal in the US, not sure about it)...the law doesn't say you have the right to die....

Seventh problem: In the future "help with suicide"(I can't come up with the right word, something like "euthanasy??????")is maybe legal...but what are the protocols and the boarders....and when do you pass these do you make up these things...

I can tell you people...this is a very important case for the future...whatever and who decides...this will be an example for the next generation...I hope someone makes a very wise decision.