Originally posted by Letizia B.:
I read that several doctors have said that her situation can be improved with therapy and rehabilition.
I have a hard time believing that after 15 years and all the press this case has gotten in addition to the numerous courts cases and battles that included so many medical testimonies, that if there was real beliefs that therapy and rehabilition could make a difference it would have had to happen or it would have been made a much bigger issue. From what I have heard she has no brain activity - zero - how can therapy and rehabilition help if there is no brain activity? Putting aside the issue of the feeding tube - which I can see arguements on both sides, I really don't see after all these years of no change nor improvement that any therapy will make a difference though - unfortunelatly. Sanjay Gupte the medical expert on CNN, who I think is pretty neutral on a lot of things even said there is no medical evidence or perceptions that anything can change her condition.