Anybody that thinks Bruno is broke is drunk. Anyone who thinks he doesn’t have A TON of influence is high. Other than Johnny Joe I’ve never seen a Bonanno guy get as much respect as Bruno does when behind bars. Thats what a lot of you guys who have never done time with these people don’t understand. There is no hiding behind keyboards and social media inside. The real ones stick out and the fake get exposed. Bruno is a living, breathing example of what this thing is about. He was a punk kid when all that coke was flying around. If you think he was the only coke head in the family you are crazy. The man spent a huge portion of his life in prison and never told on nobody. He worked side by side with guys he knew killed his father. He took two big cases on the chin and the man walked out of prison looking like a 40 year old GQ model with a million dollar smile.