Originally Posted by Turnbull
He was a good godson because he showed the family respect by coming to the wedding. And by asking for Vito's help
Originally Posted by Turnbull
Originally Posted by Evita
first words, whispered into Vito's ear were, he wants to talk to him Then whines and cries Woltz won't give him the part
In the novel, Tom says, "He's probably in trouble again and needs your help." To which Vito replies: "And who should he turn to, if not his godfather?"
Originally Posted by Capri
And who should Fredo turn to, if not his own father?" And who should help Fredo if not his own father?"
Originally Posted by Evita
He has a sentimental weakness for all his children and spoils them except Fredo He was left rudderless

This maybe of interest
Vito and Fredo