Originally Posted by DiLorenzo
Other families did not respect Junior Gotti, they respected the position he held...He was a nobody who never did anything and had the family given to him, what did he ever do to earn respect from leaders in other families ??

Delonardo says they respected him to save face for the Gambino's...

Does anybody really believe Chin Gigante would sit down with twitchy as an equal ??

As far as Junior being a tough guy, yeah he did his prison time and then comes out and fights with his enemies in childish online arguments, gets stabbed and does nothing but call reporters to call the person a crackhead...That's not the most manly things to do !!

DeLeonardo is not one to tell us who was respected considering he is a rat, and worse, he ratted on Gotti who had been his friend. I am not saying Gotti Jr. was like Chin, but calling him names like sissy or placing him in the category of the others on the list is too much a stretch. In fact, Micky Scars belongs on the list in place of Gotti.