Originally Posted by Liggio
I notice that many legendary, hardcore gangsters have really sissified sons who followed them into the life. Examples below:

John Gotti Sr. - John Gotti Jr.

John Franzese - both Michael and John Franzese Jr.

Giuseppe Bonanno - Salvatore Bonanno or Bill

William Cutolo Sr. - William Cutolo Jr.

I won't count those who didn't go into the life either as an associate or a made man, but this is truly a phenomenon. Any more?

I agree with every choice except Gotti. He did over 6 years, and withstood 3 trials with hung juries.

Cutulo was not made or even close to it, but he is nothing like his father, and did try to get into things. The worst is the Franzese son who recorded his own father for the feds.