Originally Posted by olivant
They maintain that Putin is wiping out Ukranian Nazis who are allied to Biden et al and are running a huge world-wide child trafficking network.

I don't think Putin is a good guy, doing such things. However Ukraine has had a Nazi problem and we didn't get to see Maxwell's list of clients as to who was part of the child trafficking network. However we get to see Johnny Depp's trial case in detail. All these from the MSM that has lied on every single issue of the so called pandemic for two years, now instead of being accountable, they start on another distraction for the masses. What's next? Alien invasion? Famine? Another pandemic where WHO is in charge? They extinguish crisis with crisis. I don't follow the news anymore, from neither side. This documentary was interesting. Didn't watch all of it. However it does address the Nazi problem in Ukraine.


"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones