Originally Posted by BensonHURST
With the top echelon informer program they had alot of members feeding them info.

Today I do not think they have anywhere near the amount of informants as they did.
The families are not anywhere near as penetrated as they were.

I know just about everyone talks about the current state being a state of so many rats.

If you think about it??

With that program almost every family had someone high up on the take feeding the feds info.

Was LCN, more infested with rats back then with that program or today?

The FBI doesn't know who the top 3 guys are for any family today except for Lucheese, that is because of Penessi flipping.

Back then they knew who was for just about every family.

The reason they knew so much from 1962-1990 was due to Greg (The Grim Cuckold) Scarpa secrety cooperating I think he was their main source and he was active those years.