Originally Posted by Liggio
Question is, is there any proof that Bugsy Siegle actually manhandled Jack Dragna? I highly doubt that. And if it's true, who's to say it didn't have something to do with his murder?

Wherever that BS came from is just that. All bullshit. No guy. Especially a non-Italian, is gonna raise his hands to a made guy, a BOSS of a family no less! Bugsy Siegel might have been a bit outlandish, but he was no idiot. They would not have shot him down the road. He would have been slaughtered! Slaughtered with his hands, his head, and his legs chopped off his torso!

And LA would not have waited for NY to send somebody out to do the work either. They would have killed Siegel straight out themselves, for the sheer pleasure of it. And to avenge the massive insult of having their "representante" slapped, cursed, or even touched, in any way, shape, or form....And THATS a hard fact!

The "Capo" of a family? Jack Dragna no less? Siegel wouldn't have stood a chance. 1, 2, 3, Finito!