Originally Posted by Lenox
Be that as it may. You dont just stroll into brooklyn amd start hanging out, someone had to have brought him in. He must of new someone from his childhood. The question is who?

So being part of Froggy’s crew back in the day consisted of him giving one of his beepers and you driving around the neighborhood all day and night.

They had a 24/7 service selling crack, coke and pot.

So it was typically young idiot kids that wanted to walk around like they were tough guys etc.
They all got abused pretty bad

Def not what I think your thinking wasn’t a traditional LCN, Crew.

With that said someone would have had to know him for a long time to get him on the beeper.
The guys Pappa was hanging out with were from South Brooklyn, Carol Gardens section of Brooklyn.

The same area as Benny the Blade.

That area is actually closer to Manhattan than it is to BensonHurst

As for the Kid Carmine Joe Caves Killed him.
It wasn’t Pappa or DelRosa.

The last item, I doubt Tigger had anything to do with Pappa’s whose ever murder:

Tigger back then was a little kid just a teenager maybe 15-16