Originally Posted by Augustus
Originally Posted by Big_Tuna93
Didn't the LA family answer to Chicago, or am I off on that?

Im not sure if LA had to answer to Chicago but LA did have deep ties
With the Cleveland Family.
Frank and Tony Milano had homes in LA. Mickey Cohen I believe was born
In Cleveland and started out as a feather weight boxer.
Cleveland underboss Frank Brancato and low level solider Frank Visconti had several
Investments in the LA restaurant scene.
John Scalish and Mickey Cohen were very close as they shared legit business arraingements

I've been inside Tony Milano's house. It's a beautiful property. It was owned by Anna Shay and was sold last year for c. $15 million if I remember correctly

But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way
Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away