Originally Posted by alicecooper
Originally Posted by BensonHURST
Originally Posted by alicecooper
What the fuck is he doing in a halfway house anyway!?

Un fucking believable.

What do you mean?
Every prisoner has the option to finish out the last 6 months to a year in a halfway house.

Its a way of slowing introducing the inmate back to life on the outside.

He was a hitter for the Mafia and gets out after serving half his term. People have done more time for marijuana possession than his multiple murders and attempted murders. I mean, if you want this guy for your neighbor that's your call. He should rot in his cell.

He wasn't a bad guy, he was just a bit misunderstood.

And I hear he maintains one helluva tomato and pepper garden. A real "green thumb."

Last edited by NYMafia; 04/03/22 10:58 AM.