I would imagine its a mixed legacy at this point, which on one hand was the catalyst for the beginning of the end of the mob at the peak of its power, but also in hindsight a time where the mob was at the forefront of public fascination in the media; a time where one of the most powerful Mafia members in the country really did strut around in Brioni suits with perfectly coiffed hair, frequently beating the government at its own game.

It's like Gotti figuratively took all the "chips" that the mafia had, representing the wealth of their influence and power, and cashed them in to indulge his own ego and the public's fascination. I'm sure it was a lot of fun for five years. But the impact on the mob was devastating.

That being said, in a day and age where the most recent Gambino #1 was shot and killed by a deranged maniac and you have a wife killer sitting at the top of the Bonannos, and with the exception of Barney, for the most part leadership across the board that just isn't of the quality that it once was, I imagine there are a few mobsters who smile back on the days where the don was right in your face. But it's cold comfort given that his antics doomed the whole enterprise far worse than three previous decades of government scrutiny ever could.