Clinton's not going to jail, and neither is Trump. It's a big fucking charade for the benefit of John Q. Public. The Republicans AND the Democrats are completely full of shit! The average "Joe Jerkoff" out there debates who's has the moral high ground, the Republicans or the Democrats, but the harsh truth is both parties are taking us for a ride!...and spending billions upon billions of our tax dollars with these phony investigations against politicians in both parties that go absolutely no where!

There are decent politicians and fair-minded legit people in both parties, but unfortunately there's way to many phony politicians who talk out of both sides of their ass and are political hacks who are only out there for their own political gain and to line their own pockets. It's nothing new. It's been that way since the beginning of time. Doesn't matter what flag colors they fly, they're all full of shit at the end of the day!

Wake up fellas because its later than you think!

Last edited by NYMafia; 03/27/22 10:03 AM.