Originally Posted by BensonHURST
…Italians and the Albanians basically banded together they were ready to send BLM back to where they came from, but they never showed.

Yes, reliable people close to me from NY told me exactly this. They were all stunned to see how quickly people went back to their roots when pushes came to shoves. Which is very important considering the good point made by BensonHURST.

You never know what a man can do if pushed around enough. Law-abiding citizens may turn to the mafia because they have no where else to go to. I’m certainly not advocating it, because it’s a deadly trap, but how do I know what anyone would be willing to do if he’s left with close to nothing? Anger, despair, mistrust of Govt. and economic uncertainty can turn almost anyone into a crook, even all those middle class Italian-Americans so often branded as successful examples of cultural integration and Americanization.

Let’s not kid ourselves here: how many people approached mob loan sharks in the last two years? How many will do it in the future due to this crap economy? How many might even take a step into the mob not only as mere ”costumers” but actively involved? How much has the LCN increased its power during the last two crappy years? Perhaps not globally, but indeed locally, which is where it truly counts.

We have reports that confirmed this happened in most Italian cities, so I’m supposed to believe that is exclusive to Italy and that it doesn't/can’t happen in NY, Jersey, Philly…? Of course it can. It’s that we’re still in the middle of it to fully see its consequences.