Every industry has changed so much in the past 20 years.

Bigger isn't always better, as a matter of fact in my opinion if you look at some of the most successful families in the history of America, they were smaller ones.

I keep bringing up Detroit, look at what they did, I think they all sent their sons to collage to get degrees, They also purchased them Legit businesses before they brought them into the family.

Talk about a smarter way of doing things?

If they invested the 10's of millions of dollars into legit businesses and their core is legit while still dabbling in the traditional LCN, activities? Is that NOT a smarter way of doing things?

So the next generation of Detroit LCN, their sons and nephews did not have to rely on selling DOPE, or Beating down loan shark customers they lent $1,000.00

They started them out at 3rd base so to speak.

The GOAL is to make L.E. think you are DEFUNCT, so they LEAVE YOU ALONE!!!

By design if you go back to its roots it was supposed to be more so blood relationships or LIKE blood. (LONG VETTED HISTORY)
That is what the whole pricking of finger is "BOUND BY BLOOD"

Small and tight, if you are committing felonies every day you are way better off with having to worry about 50 guys rather than 250.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Pot is legal now, in Oregon all drugs are legal, WHATS NEXT?

Look at the waterfront commission if they do away with that, good chance they will thrive again on the Piers.

The world we live in so crazy and unpredictable.

Look what happened with the CORONA and the BLM, "PEACEFUL RIOTS" where buildings were being burned down and police stations were being over run,
I am not sure if anyone on here read the article in bensonhurst and in Queens you had what was left of the Italians and the Albanians basically banded together they were ready to send BLM. back to where they came from, but they never showed.

If that is where this country is headed and it very well might be, the same neighborhoods that had no use for the neighborhood social club, anymore will be the same neighborhoods that will be begging to bring them back, wand the sense of security that went along with it.

And let me say it again, LCN is a shell of what it was, Compared to its height it is DEAD.

So I am not disagreeing with the assessments I am just providing a different perspective on the matter.