Originally Posted by dsd
Originally Posted by Big_Tuna93
What's happening guys? New poster here. I'll preface this with I'm a Chicago guy and that is where my interest mainly lies. From what I hear they are still active, but are a shell of what they once were. Still have crews across the city, but their power has dwindled down signifantly. City has been taken over by gangbangers, and dope pushers, which is really sad. Crazy how in the last 30 years the world has changed so much that La Cosa Nostra is now basically an after thought. Looking forward to engaging in more of these threads!

Come off it, yesteryears Chicago outfit is no better than today's gangbangers.

Thats not true dsd. Not at all. The fact is that yesteryear's "Chicago Outfit" was a powerhouse! That particular family controlled ALL of Chitown and its outer territories with an iron fist. Their control over local and state politics alone was enormous. So enormous that they even installed "made men" into leadership positions of government. Alderman, Committeemen, Congressmen, key government posts, etc.

If you add in their pivotal hidden ownership and control over many top Las Vegas Hotels & Casino operations....need I say more?

NO gangbanger has ever even dreamed of that, let alone accomplished anywhere close to that. They grovel in the streets with their pants slung down over their asses and gaudy gold chains around their necks while they sell dime bags and shoot each other (and citizens too).

The difference between the old Capone Gang, morphed into the Tony Accardo-Paul DeLucia family, and street urchin "gangbangers" couldn't be more blaring that it's like "black and white."