I don't see him as an asshole, moron, or all the other names he is being called. He may be, none of us have ever met him, or spoken with him. He must have been asked if he could hang out with Merlino while Merlino was in town, a few photos together and now he is the subject of gangland columns, and discussions on the internet. He is not made, may never be made, yet he is getting all this attention. The worst if from LE, which went totally nuts over his being around Merlino. The sentence is way out of line. You could set a person on fire instead of a car and wind up with less time!

This nut was just let out after being arrested for smearing feces is a women's face while she waited for a train, and after arresting him it was found he was wanted for another crime. He is out already. There are thousands like him, and they are out and about
He's more a threat than Tuccio.
