The secret services take the photo of the new 'Ndrangheta: "Able to infiltrate"
In the "Annual report on information policy for security 2021", the strength of organized crime emerges, which is growing with drug trafficking, makes the most of the "important strategic hub" of the port of Gioia Tauro and points to funds from the NRP

The secret services do not lose sight of the 'Ndrangheta, on the contrary they follow its organizational and criminal changes with great attention. This can be seen from the content of the “Annual report on the information policy for security 2021” which, in recent days, was presented to Parliament.

The image of Calabrian organized crime, the one that is unanimously recognized as the most powerful mafia operating in the world, which emerges from the photograph taken by the Italian 007s, resembles a sprawling organization, capable of changing shape, of adapting to changes in the world to continue to do business and escape the controls of the police.

"The persistent infiltrative capacity, even in contexts of extra-regional projection and abroad - reads the report presented to Parliament - is linked to consolidated corruptive and collusive expertise, especially at the local level, functional to the reuse of the substantial proceeds of drug trafficking in sectors of strategic importance ". The main concerns are pinned on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and on the risk that these funds could end up in the hands of the gangs that, in recent years, have shown that they are able to give life to a" clear welding, likely to develop within qualified relational circuits, between criminal circles, entrepreneurs, public administrators and specialized professionals, mostly in corporate and tax matters ".

The 'Ndrangheta, therefore, appears to be committed not to wage war internally and to make the most of its infiltration skills to make money. "These - the report continues - are contraindicated relationships capable of facilitating both the laundering of illicit proceeds, through articulated tax evasion and avoidance schemes, also achieved with the use of sophisticated techno-finance tools, as well as conditioning of the public decision-making sphere, especially at the local level, especially in the context of the award of tenders for the construction of infrastructural works ".

Relations that the 'Ndrangheta manages to manage also thanks to the huge sums of money it collects with the narco traffic, from what is, historically, the predominant business: that of the sale of drugs. "By virtue of the significant profit margins deriving from drug trafficking, Calabrian associations, interested in reducing inter-clan competitive tensions - reads the report - exploit various relational circuits, even abroad, to ensure supply of drugs from production areas to consumer markets ".

In this context, we finally read in the “Annual report on the information policy for security 2021”, “the port of Gioia Tauro continues to represent an important strategic hub around which the interests of historic and powerful clans gravitate”.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"