Originally Posted by JCrusher
Originally Posted by dsd
Don't know why posters are defending Leonetti. His book is self serving, of course he's going to lay all the blame on his uncle. He's, to me, the worst kind of rat. The one who waits until he's guilty and then rats.

Massino is my worst rat. Boss for 20 years, I'm sure he had people put to death for ALLEGED informing and then rats himself. Even becomes a jailhouse snitch regarding VB. At least VB took it like a man and much younger.

Chiodo probably was guy with best reason

. That’s very fair. I never totally bought Leonettis story either. Chiodo was actually loyal yet they still tried to kill him. Shows how devious that life can be

RE: JCrusher..."never totally bought".....I dont think anyone has..BUT..alot of his story & reasoning has fair validiction...who would not be disgusted by the way he was led by a leash by a psycopath ..who started killing everyone and best friends @ the slightest provocation or non thereof..he could of been next 4 sure...& Scarfo's mocking his own son when learning of his hanging thereafter...besides the book..Leonetti is not or have been heard from since...although I would'nt be suprised if now that Nicky Sr. is gone , Phil might have some REAL tell all something in the works (b it a book or a movie)...our old friend here @ GGB ..SERP (who knew or still) knows Phil..hinted @ this a ways back on this here forum..Peace , Hoodlum.

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...