Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by Lenox
I dont believe for a miunte that he was either selling anywhere near 100k worth of crack a week or making anywhere near 100k per week including a street tax.

It is a ridiculously high number, but it is what the police always do, exaggerate it tremendously. He may have sold it, but I cannot see for a fraction of a second anyone paying a mob guy a street tax back then, or now. Maybe in the 1940's, but the dealers in the street in the time of that arrest of Gallone would have killed him in a millisecond if he tried to shake them down. Anyone thinking the made 100k a week is out of touch.

James (Froggy) Galione was not just "shaking down" street dealers for an envelope. Froggy was in control of an entire crack network, from A to Z. Meaning that he actually operated a large network himself with many minions underneath him. Galione would actually purchase kilos of coke (crack), have his guys break them down to small retail bags for street sale, and then have his "crew" sell them at top dollar all over his Brooklyn territory.

This went on for some years. So a $100,000 gross sales figure per week is very much doable. Buying in bulk, then selling $10 "dime bags" or $25 to $50 tins of crack can generate a ton of cash each week. Especially when you doing it through dozens of "salesmen." In other words he controlled the business from "cradle to grave" so to speak.

Now, was his drug network somewhat of a phenomena for an organized crime figure? Absolutely! Especially for a "good fella." But that became his "charm" so to speak. And why he probably got a "position" in the first place. He must have brought in a lot of steady cash for the borgata.


You're going by a guess, he would have to control the area, and hire dealers, and others to supervise them., Plus you just plain do not know. I don't know for sure, but it does not make sense to me, and the amount of many any crime groups gets accused of making has always been historically exaggerated.

To the contrary, I do know! Once again I have to say to you that if you bother to actually research the particular drug case that Galione and his associates got nabbed for, and read through the arrests and particulars in the indictment, you'll see that what Dilly and I say is correct.

It was a huge, very pervasive operation that moved massive amounts of crack for a long time through an extensive network of "street dealers" he had under his control. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself and get back to me if you like. "Cradle to Grave" he controlled this particular drug ring.