Originally Posted by Dob_Peppino

We are in agreement. It was also through looking at Bonanno that I gained more respect for Tommy Brown. He was the smoothest operator. A puppetmaster.

Question for you NYM
Besides DiGregorio, Sciacca and Rastelli, Who do you believe could've been a good candidate for Boss of the Family? (GV you can get on this answer as well)

Thats an extremely subjective question. Ostensibly someone low-keyed first of all. I think had he not gone back to Sicily a man like Frank Garofalo was extremely capable. Others who I think fall into this category were Natale Evola, John Tartamella, Angelo Caruso, and possible Giuseppe Buccellato and later on even a Nick Marangello. But each of them had either died, were old, disinterested, or not in the running for one reason or another.

The problem is that we do not know there base intelligence or other key things that factor in to make a great leader; lack of greed, knowhow in the streets, personality dynamics (or lack thereof), organizational abilities over hundreds of men, etc.

So what may look good from the showroom window, might not fit so well once you try it on for size.

Last edited by NYMafia; 02/07/22 10:19 AM.