Conan Richter began the so-called "Blue Wave"expansion upon taking the helm of the Pagans.

Among other things,he named a Hispanic man ("Zorro Nieves) as the Nat'l Vice President,which is a Mother Club level position.
The expectation is that Zorro would be the liaison with street gangs,as well as smaller MC's, which are "patched over" to the Pagans.
With Richter back in prison,the new acting President has continued this strategy.

The Mongols MC ( a primarily Hispanic club), is also aligning themselves with the Pagans.and the two clubs are opening chapters in each others territories.
Many old school Pagans,as well as hardcore members are leaving the Club mainly for two reasons.

1) The club has never accepted or actively recruited Non-White members.
2) A lot of the smaller Hispanic clubs are not earning their patches by prospecting, but instead are getting them handed to them.

To be fair,a lot of Clubs that patch over,don't have to prospect, but this is usually seen among the 1% Clubs.
The reasoning is that if you have earned your Diamond ,you are respected enough to be allowed to bypass the prospecting period for another Club.

I believe that the Pagans will continue the expansion, and we will see more violence as they do.

The real test is going to come if they start trying to make inroads in California.
I don't see the Angels letting that happen.

This is just my opinion,but it seems like the major 1% Clubs are getting serious about going against the Angels.
They are the top of the heap in the MC world,and I think some Clubs are tired of being second fiddle to them.
Mind you,the Angels aren't going anywhere,and overall 'they will always be the best of the best,but I think some Clubs just want to chip away at them,and maybe take a bigger piece of their territories,and rackets.