anything i've posted has only ever reflected the number of members on the street not those imprisoned.
the above chart only attempts to show the leadership/power in the family not overall membership as it is impossible to know being a secret society and all.
i would agree that the providence faction has more members than the 3 mentioned in previous posts but without indictments or solid proof how could we know.
assuming that something happened or referring to old info and bad internet lists isn't proof that something happened.
there is the possibility that like other american mafia families long since gone eg-cleveland,milwaukee,pittsburgh and the like senior admin members failed to induct new members for a long period of time.
i do not think that manocchio even for the long run as boss that he had was inducting 1 guy a year just in providence for 15 years and the same in boston.
the patriarca family is by no means on its last legs but if it had all these members its areas of operation would be growing not shrinking in mass and RI.
latin kings,pagans mc have begun to have more territory in certain parts of those states than some crews.