Rats are indeed a problem for LCN, but once someone flips there’s really nothing they can do other than do damage control and reorganize, like they’ve been doing for decades. The most harm rats do is when there’s a murder involved. That’s why many cases involving non-violent crimes don’t end up like the feds want despite the use of rats. Defense lawyers can do marvels when there’s no sign of violence.

By not being violent, rats can cause less damage.

By not being violent, authorities and civilians are less likely to antagonize them.

A deterrent would be mocking those rats whose lives are more miserable than before. Despite their egos and dreams of grandeur, most rats don’t do well as legitimate citizens and either go back to crime or whore themselves out on YT or on some podcasts. Still clinging to their mob past for a buck. Pathetic.

Too bad that “career” is shrinking rapidly.

Unless someone like Dom Cefalù flips and starts a podcasts (highly unlikely) how many former low-tier goons and soldiers are going to get everyone’s attention by repeating the same small-time suburban wiseguy tirade we’ve been sold repeatedly for years?