Originally Posted by LuanKuci
all seriousness now: top-tier Italians couldn't care less about some street code.

Looking down on the mob because they don't kill rats is being short-sighted.

The only thing that is truly respected is money. Reputations is based on how much you earn, not on your kill count.

Arrillotta is alive because it's not financially beneficial to get the FBI on your tail over a loser rat that poses no threat to your operations.

Low-brow gang culture is emotionally volatile and that's why there are so many murders and so many people in jail over dumb feuds and snitching allegations.

Very accurate. Killing rats probably isn’t the deterrent people think it would be. It just leads to false accusations (over jealousy or so somebody can take your earn) and leads to more rats because everybody is paranoid. Violence is the last resort and obviously the smarter wise guys figured out better ways to keep their operations more safe without it. Too risky in the modern age. It’s about MONEY not who’s the toughest. That doesn’t mean guys deep in the life aren’t capable though.