Originally Posted by southshorekid
Originally Posted by Lenox
I wonder where Natale was living? Interesting that he directed the move against Stanfa from prison? Did he have the back of NYC ?

I doubt he directed anything. Seems more like he got played by Merlino and crew. I’m betting NY had bigger problems close to home to care too much about what was happening in Philly in the early 90s. The weird thing is that both Stafa and Natale had serious connections with the Gambinos. Stanfa went to prison, so war over. I’m not sure NY really had anybody’s back.

Yes,southshorekid. Natale flipped because understood that was only a puppet in Merlino hands and wasnt able to gave important infos because Merlino didnr say everything to him.
Its like in the Sopranos when the capos made believe to Junior that he's the boss while will be used as a lightning rod so that the lightning will strike something else.
Plus Natale spent many years in prison and this is the other reasob why he flipped.

Last edited by furio_from_naples; 01/25/22 03:22 AM.