Blackmobs, there's a lot of confusion about how the Families got their names, so allow me to educate you. Before Genovese turncoat Joseph Valachi flipped in 1963, the Families technically didn't even have names. It wasn't until 1963 when Valachi revealed the heads of all the LCN Families that the media began referring to NYC's 5 Families as the Gambino, Genovese, Lucchese, Bonanno, and Profaci Families. The only one that had a name change was the Profaci Family, which is referred to today as the Colombo Family. These were names given to them by the media, they didn't name themselves. Therefore, the "Luciano Family" never "changed" its name to the Genovese Family, as it was never technically called the Luciano Family. I challenge anyone to find a single newspaper clipping or wiretap referring to it as the Luciano Family. The mob really had no say in these so-called "name changes," before Valachi they just simply called it the Family, or my Family, their Family, etc but with no names.