Years after Gerard's death, his apparent friend and former pro-boxer/independent biker CJ Nordstrom walks into a bar, gets confronted by HA John Remington with a glass to the face in the entrance, and then annihilates him with one hit followed by a stomp out. The guys who were drinking at the bar and jumped in to help CJ (mostly to stop the guys trying to help the 81 guy)are not bikers, they're mobsters, and I've been told they are from Ouimette's old crew, that they might even be blood relations and one of them might have Ouimette as his last name as well. I don't know for sure and I'm posting this to ask if anyone on here does know. At any rate, here's 30 seconds of gangster-as-fuck old white dudes who aren't scared of patch-wearing HA...they drag him into a corner and stomp him out. Anybody know more about these guys or who's left of Gerard's old crew? Thanks in advance, mr.white