Originally Posted by Lou_Para

Originally Posted by J Geoff

If you guys don't cut this shit out, I will either suspend or outright ban EVERYONE involved... HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES do you children have to devolve into this bullshit??!!

I hate to see anyone get suspended or banned,but it's not like you haven't given certain people multiple chances to temper their rhetoric.

I'm sure that a great number of posters (myself included) are on the same page of music that you are.

Some of those involved have posted entertaining, thought provoking content that was a pleasure to read,so sinking to the schoolyard "nah.nah,got you last, I know you are.but what am I?" type of drivel is all the more tragic and unnecessary.

Do what you gotta do. I'm sure our friend in Miami will go along.


I also wanna apologize to everybody on this forum because this back and forth nonsense is really childish and counterproductive. All I wanna do is share knowledge and continue posting up interesting and informative mob content for all GBB members to enjoy.

So again folks (and J Geoff), my sincere apologies.

..."The Other Guy"

Last edited by NYMafia; 01/10/22 02:25 PM.