Because Louis continues to push his delusion that Jeff Lowman is NYMafia (which once again I will say that NYMafia is NOT Lowman) here is some proof to debunk Louis and his ludicrousness (and it even relates to John Gambino. Keep reading...

1. NYMafia is a co-founder of Button Guys of the New York Mafia (also herein referred to as Button Guys) which debuted in November 2019. Mob Fireside Chat came into existence in early 2020. Button Guys became a paywall website in November 2021.

Lowman has his own website called MTR Chronicles. Lowman also has his platform Mob Talk Radio Show which began seven years ago first on YouTube and moved to a paid platform in October 2020.

Running the Button Guys website is a full-time job which is why when I began another site - which changed names over the course of a period of months (Italian Inquisition, Mob News Report, Defendant Digest)- and was not related to Button Guys or mafia history - I ended up separating with Button Guys.

Because of the time involved in running both Button Guys and the other site which changed names as mentioned above, I separated with Button Guys in May 2021 to focus on the three-times changed name website (as cited above) and also because of other reasons not related to any division or differences between me or NYMafia.

We remained friends during that period of transition before some issues came up and in August 2021, I decided to scrap the other changed-name website (as cited above,) went back to Button Guys and focus full time on that website.

There is NO possible way I could run another website let alone another podcast which is why I dumped the other website.

Most of the documentaries on Mob Fireside Chat take days to do. The Third Colombo War, for example, took approximately three weeks to complete and that was me working nearly 15 hours day on very little sleep to juggle both maintaining Button Guys (formatting and posting articles, etc.) as well as working on that particular episode. Other documentaries take approximately three days or more to put together.

Mind you, you also need to factor in that I have life responsibilities as well outside of Button Guys.

So again, it is virtually impossible to run two separate websites and two separate podcasts.

In addition, Mob Talk Radio opened his website in January 2021 and it is still active today. Prior to this new website, he also had a blog that he ran for several years to complement his Mob Talk Radio YouTube channel.

2. Starting January 8, 2020, I did a 6 or 7 part series on the Cherry Hill Gambinos. This was published in print on Button Guys.

On February 28, 2020 Ruckus Radio with my permission and credit to Lisa Babick and Button Guys, began reading that series on his show.

3. On October 3, 2020, Mob Talk Radio did a show on John Gambino and used my and Button Guys' Cherry Hill Gambinos story for most of his information with no attribution to Lisa Babick or Button Guys. I contacted Lowman and informed him of this because of the amount of time I had spent researching and writing the story and he used my information without attribution to me or Button Guys.

After I contacted him, Lowman went back to the description of that episode and gave Lisa Babick and Button Guys credit as I requested. He also posted on his Facebook page giving Lisa Babick and Button Guys credit for using Lisa Babick and Button Guys' story and also apologized for NOT doing so.

On October 10, 2020, on his next show, at the very beginning, he talked about this issue and again apologized and said he should have given credit to Lisa Babick and Button Guys.

He also states that when he does his show, he has 20-30 windows open, and gets his "information from multiple sources," including PACER, other articles, etc. from which he reads his material.

He added that he should have "sourced" his information and that includes Lisa Babick and Button Guys and the lengthy article series Lisa Babick and Button Guys did on the Cherry Hill Gambinos. And once again apologizes for NOT GIVING US CREDIT.

SO - if NYMafia is Lowman, then why would Lowman have "20-30 windows open" to find information about John Gambino and the Cherry Hill Gambinos when Button Guys already researched, wrote and published - on the Button Guys site - an extensive series on the very thing he (Lowman) is apologizing for?

4. If that isn't enough, I suggest anyone on this board to contact any of the following people and ask them if I or NYMafia is Jeff Lowman or if Jeff Lowman is affiliated at all with with NYMafia or Lisa Babick or Button Guys:

- Dominick Crea - you can contact him at Justice Tech Pros via Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or even email him via his YouTube channel

- Angel Gotti - you can contact her via her Twitter under her name

- Kasparoza - you can contact him via his Twitter

- Jeff Nadu via his Sitdown podcast Twitter or YouTube account

- Caneshades, FBS, Lee Cole, Tom LaVecchia, and many others.

Last edited by MafiaStudent; 01/09/22 02:50 PM.