Just two southern boys...
Big Bubba and Billy Ray are from down in Arkansas but they're visiting The Big Apple to see a relative of theirs serving time in Rikers Island City Prison. While walking along Canal Street in Downtown Manhattan they see a sign that reads, suits $12 each, shirts $3.00 each, and trousers $3.50 per pair. Bubba says to his pal, "Wow Billy Ray, look! We could buy us a whole lot of those and when we get back to Arkansas we could sell em. I betcha we could fetch us a fortune. Now when we go into the shop, you be all quiet and all ya here? Just let me do all the fancy talkin cause if they hear our southern accent they might not wanna sell ta us. I'll go ahead and speak in my best New Yorkese accent."

So they go in and Big Bubba quickly orders 50 suits at $12.00 each, 100 shirts at $3.00 each, and tells the shop keeper to also throw in 50 pairs of trousers at $3.50 apiece. Tellin him, "I'll go and back up my pickup truck and..."

The owner of the shop interrupts Big Bubba before he could even finish what he was saying as asks Big Bubba, "You're from Arkansas, aren't you?"

"Why yes," says an astonished Big Bubba. "how'd come to know that?"

The owner looks him dead in the eyes and then says, "because this is a dry-cleaners!"