LOL. thats a great one Im going to remember that one!

An Italian gondolier man is rowing along on the canal and singing 'O sole mio ..' in a very beautiful voice. God looks down and says 'what a wonderful creation when I made the Italians! Look how they sing in their love of life!'

Just then, the devil , listening to God said 'eh, its just because you gave him a big brain. If you took away his brain he wouldnt be so happy'.

God said 'sure he would! Its not his brain its his heart. Look I'll take away half his brain...'

So *poof* half the Italians brain was gone but he kept trying to sing "O Sole...O sole.." He couldnt finish but he kept trying.

"See?" said God. "Even with half his brain he still sings!"

But the devil was stubborn. "He still has too much brains, thats why he sings" God said "Oh yeah Ill take away 3/4ths of his brain!"

*Poof* 3/4 of the poor Italian's brain was gone. But still he sang "Oh....OOOOH" He could only remember that one line but he still kept trying to sing.

God, smiling in triumph, said "there! now you see? Even with 3/4 of his brain missing he still sings"

The devil shrugged and said "I'll bet its still his brain" God responded by taking ALL of the poor man's brain away. Now with no brain, both God and the devil listened and heard a high, clear voice sing;

"Ooooh...... Danny-boy the pipes the pipes are caaallling!"