One more;

Old man Luigi was 80. He was sitting on a park bench when his friend, 87 year old Salvatore comes jogging by. He says "I just finished running 5 miles, Luigi, and look Im not even out of breath!".

"Wow, says Luigi. Tell Me Salvatore, what is your secret?"

Salvatore says "I eat a loaf of Italian bread everyday. It gives me all the energy I need all day, and enough to take care of my girlfriends at night!"

Impressed, Luigi makes his way to the corner bakery. He asks the girl behind the counter "Do you have any Italian bread"?

"Of course, how much do you want?"

He says "Give me 5 loafs"

"5 loaves?" She said. "Luigi, you live alone if you get 5 loafs it will get hard as a rock"

"Madonne mia", he says "Was I the only one who didnt know about this Italian bread ?"

Last edited by Mamaluke; 12/29/21 12:22 PM.